
Name Meaning

god is gracious


English, Hebrew


Exotic, Word, Comic books, Disney Characters, Elegant, Famous writers, Inventors, Military heroes, Nobel laureates, Popular songs, Presidents, Wild West, Middle




Jonetta, Joeanne, Jenette, Jaynie, Jayni, Janie, Janicia, Janey, Janee, Joan

Famous Namesakes

Actress Jane Seymour, Actress Jane Fonda, Author Jane Austen, Actress Jane Kaczmarek, Actress Jane Curtin, Journalist Jane Pauley, Naturalist Jane Goodall

Celebrity Babies

Daughter of Jim Carrey and Melissa Womer, Daughter of Arthur Miller, Daughter of Jet Li, Daughter of Charlie Chaplin

Popularity in 2019


Related Names

Jonna, Jonalyn, Johnnie, Johnna, Joan, Jeovanna, Jeovana, Jenise, Jayne, Janis, Janiece, Jaine

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