
Name Meaning

Alex is a cute name for a girl if you don’t want to saddle her with the full-on Alexandra, of which it’s a nickname. It has a tomboy-ish appeal that a lot of parents liked in the 90s. The name isn’t very common for girls today, but be forewarned that it’s a very popular name for boys.


English, Greek


Soccer stars, TV shows




Zanna, Shura, Sashenka, Sasha, Sandrine, Sandra, Lexie, Lexi, Alix, Alexia, Alexi, Alexa, Aleka

Famous Namesakes

Actress Alex Kingston

Celebrity Babies

Zanna, Shura, Sashenka, Sasha, Sandrine, Sandra, Lexie, Lexi, Alix, Alexia, Alexi, Alexa, Aleka

Popularity in 2019


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