
Name Meaning

From the Greek "Khloe," it was used to represent Demeter, the fertility goddess. In the New Testament, Chloe is a convert of St. Paul. The name means "blooming" or "young green shoot." Well-known Chloes: actress Chloë Sevigny; Khloé Kardashian


Greek, Native American


Biblical, Exotic, Green, Olympians, Classic, Cute, Popular



Famous Namesakes

Actress Chloe Moretz, Actress Chloe Sevigny

Celebrity Babies

Daughter of Candice Berger and Louis Malle, Daughter of Tom Berenger, Daughter of Olivia Newton-John, Daughter of Candice Berger and Louis Malle, Daughter of Tom Berenger, Daughter of Olivia Newton-John

Popularity in 2019


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