
Name Meaning

From the Hebrew for "heard God" or "asked of God." In the Bible, Samuel was a prophet and judge who established the Hebrew monarchy. Well-known Samuels: Irish writer Samuel Beckett; actor Samuel L. Jackson.


Hebrew, Swedish, Mexican


Biblical, Celebrity, Exotic, Labor Day, Military heroes, Soccer stars, Cute, Popular





Famous Namesakes

Actor Samuel L. Jackson, Writer Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Irish playwright Samuel Beckett, Opera singer Samuel Ramey, Actor Sammy Davis Jr., Baseball player Sammy Sosa

Celebrity Babies

Son of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, Son of Bob Dylan, Son of Jack Black, Son of Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts, Son of Sally Field, Son of Jeremy Irons, Son of Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard

Popularity in 2019


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